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It would be nice if I can say that I am a perfect Guide. But I tend to be a Controller because I am a perfectionist. I am highly motivated, well-organized, wants to do a good job, and has a high expectation from my students.

I love to be a Guide. I love the subjects that I teach. I do extra effort to make the class alive - using a lot of props as much as possible. Using a lot of examples when coding. I want an active class and not a passive one.

I present rules and policies that I am expecting students to comply with on the first day of class. I do seating assignments to ensure students get to interact with each other - specially the quiet ones. I seat them so I can see each one of them.

I also make sure that I call their names so they will know that I am aware that they I care about their learning skills.

I monitor their activities and grades and make sure that my Director the progress of each student.

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