Whenever I am faced with a new subject to teach, I spend a lot of time in preparation. My challenging problem is to estimate the time to cover every section of a new lecture. I don't ever run out of topics, but I run out of lecture time.
I tend to explain and repeat to ensure solid unerstanding, but with the limited lecture time every minute is so valuable.
I divide the lecture into sections according to the topic covered, so they are not of equal length..
But before presenting the same lecture the second time, I reconsider the previous experience and make some adjustments to try to fit the material in the allocated time. This usually involves letting students study some parts ahead on their own and bring me their questions.
This pushes some students to really study ahead, but some other students are left behind because they didn't study, and I hate it when some students are unable to compprehend the topic and I'm out of time..
I do offer office hours, and I encourage them to bring me questions, but in many cases they don't.