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The basic ideals of critical thinking skills is an active, continual thought process that accumulates relevant information to make a decision based on all facets of knowledge. "In the 21st century, businesses are looking for critical thinkers who can evaluate information, study complex situations, problem solve and understand they don’t always have to be right. Mistakes are inevitable, with learning occurring from the mistakes. Problem-solving critical thinkers are needed." We know the importance of group activities for digital natives, active learning methods are beneficial for skills mastery, short-term knowledge and critical thinking. Cooperative learning has students drawing upon their past experience/knowledge, developing technical and interpersonal skills, and resolving conflict. Collaborative learning students work together to adress a specific issue, explore a significant question, solve a problem, complete a task or create a product. Problem-based learning (PBL) facets include; students solve problems, not only one correct answer, multiple learning paths, integrated instruction, learn while doing, more than just facts, evaluate process/performance as well as outcome.

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