Hi Patty,
While I absolutely agree that the Resource Notebook is a critical piece for all admissions personnel in the recruitment process, I do not think it is the "only" tool needed to survive. As admission representatives for our institutions, I think it is also important that we participate in trainings that improve interpersonal and soft sales skills. The recruitment process is a human experience, and as such, we need to be skilled communicators.
It is very important that we know not only the rules and regulations, and the information about our institutions, but it is also important to get to know the student so we can learn about who they are and what they want. We certainly need to be able to answer prospective student questions and stay in complaince, but we also need to be able to ask questions. Our role is more than having the right answers, it is also about asking the right questions. Learning the student is necessary so that we can determine if our institution is a good match for their goals and objectives.
While I love having a Resource Notebook to refer to for questions and as a source for all rules and regulations, it is one of many tools that we should have at our disposal when meeting with prospective students.