I liked how ACTE talked about how WBL Coordinator has duties/responsibilities overlapping with other school-based counselors (guidance, etc.). I liked how ACTE introduced importance/concepts of FERPA and HIPPA; by age, some students are minors and some are adults but each in K-12. I liked how ACTE discussed the potential challenges of when the WBL coordinator is trying to set up a school-sponsored/credit-based WBL with an employer who had already become familiar with a student as a part-time paid employee over the summer, over holidays and/or school year.
Comments/Feedback: The second webpage of this section really caught my eye because it makes the process sound overwhelming, whereas in NJ, NJDOE and NJSS or NJDOE and NJLWD, have done a lot to get forms templates ready (e.g., student training plans, the IEP/ILP) or provide working papers templates (NJ A300/NJ A310), respectively, provide trainings, etc. But, I was surprised how, on a future page of Section III, no link to USDOL ODEP “soft skills” webpage was given? ACTE briefly/incompletely summarized these six soft skills for employment and professionalism? https:/