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This module makes sense to me as far as , seeing and or creating a vision, being aware of and seeing blind spots, and providing great customer service.The hardest part of being an instructor is HABE's, Habits, Attitude, Beliefs, and Expectations. These are deeply rooted and weave there way through out the whole fabric of an individule. Very often I run into this situation of students being very negative in their approach to their education. This is very hard to turn around and most instructors will usually turn their backs on that student. I see it a a chance, a project, a goal.My goal is to turn that person around and for the first time see what an education can do for them. I have a very diverse back ground and us that to my advantage, I speak to them as individuals, on their level so to speak, and show them how a person like me who came from this certain back ground with certain, attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and habits. came to be the person I am today. I'm an Instructor, a person who never thought would recieve so much for helping so many, and I have achieved my goals I thought never attainable. By sharing with them an insite to myself such as they have never seen in me before, it shows them that if you think it and believe in it all things are possible. This should be what instructors strive for, a commitment to their students, to themselfs, to their fellow employees, and to their profession.

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