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Dionne, For the left brain instructor being organized comes easy. I was once told as a more right brain thinker that left brain activities should be modeled. Shadowing a left brain thinker was recommended. Can you share what best practices you have for organizing. I keep a calendar but still find that it gets too full. I recently turned down an engagement that I was not informed about well in advance and another committment, I got the organizer to meet with me another day though it was indicated it was mandatory training. I had tickets to go to a theater performance I purchased in advance on the same day that I was told two weeks prior that I had a manadatory meeting. I am also finding that an organization that I belong to does not like using Skype to cut down on numerous committee meetings. What ideas do you have for streamlining the multiple meeting frenzy? I see this as a challenge in the university with multiple emails coming from different department to manage and organizing them to stay on top of training and new policy as well.

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