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Improving Instrutor skills and student learning success

This course helped me a great deal on how to conduct myself as a new instructor. It tought me how to deal with students that have had behaviour issues in my classroom,Also how to improve student learning outcome and success of the students. I highly recomend this course.

This course helped me to remember that the students are my priority, I am there for them. They are counting on me to be professional and organized. I have to remember that they are looking to me for guidance for their future. It is my responsibility to give them a 100% of myself as an instructor.

Ed 206

This was a very informative course that help with making sure I stay on track in the lab courses in my program.

Yes, this course is very helpful, both for old instructors and new instructors. Whatever course the instructor is handling, this course offers a lot of ideas on how to develop critical thinking which students need to develop. Critical thinking is a very important skill that students will use while in school and after school.

yes, new tricks

this course gave an old dog some new tricks. dealing with students and how to handle behavior issue

good course.

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