About me
About me
I enjoyed the soft skills training, it was full of great information that I can apply in the class room
@scmeaux : I teach medical classes, so I have several stories from previous experience that can sometimes be funny to the students. They enjoy hearing these stories for several reasons. It shows them the light at the end of the tunnel, it makes things seem more real, and it can sometimes relax them enough so that they actually learn more from that particular lecture.
Great course, it offered alot of new ideas to help the students to learn, be more interested, and to stay ingaged in the content of the course. Also learning more about how to deal with students with disabilities was very interesting and helpful, I will use this in my future classes.
This course helped me to remember that the students are my priority, I am there for them. They are counting on me to be professional and organized. I have to remember that they are looking to me for guidance for their future. It is my responsibility to give them a 100% of myself as an instructor.
Lesson plans are so important to both yourself and the students. It allows for ease in the class room and gives the student what is expected of them and when. They have something to follow as they set goals to complete the class.
I agree with you. I learned alot from this course. It can be a challenge to maintain control and keep the students interested in the course. I already use alot of the techniques mentioned and I will take more of the into the class with me in the future.
I have also worked very hard on retention. I can be very challenging. I just continue to show them that I am there to teach them what they need to know, that I care about them, and that it really does matter to me what they take away from my class.
managing stress is so important for several reasons. it makes your mood better, it makes your work go soother, it rubs off on others around you, you can set a good example for your students, and most importantly, it makes you a happy, healthier person.
I am still somewhat new. I have changed my teaching methods just a little each time I start a new term. I feel like I have evolved so much. Im sure I will continue to make small changes as I move along. Reading the students and wathing their reactions seems to help me alot.
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I also agree! It is easy to mold the mind of a student. Especially one that wants to learn. Employers also like to hire fresh students, so that they to can mold them.