Although my university did a very complete job of covering all these subjects already in print form and also in various trainings that have spanned an estimated 6-7 hours, there is no way that all the information and skills that are required to do an excellent and professional job serving potential students as an admissions officer can be fully developed with just a handful of trainings and a few resource books. The more trainings that are experienced, the better, and the more repetition that occurs the greater the recall and mastery.
This course is a valuable middle step in the development of any admissions officer from any university. It builds upon the trainings that AO's have already recieved, emphasizes separate individual attention and effort to review and apply the principles, and prepares the AO for retaining knowledge better in the buture. AO's should push forward from this point and expend regular and consistent time and effort to hone their knowledge of these important topics.