Professional development needs to be a constant in the life of an instructor. Each time you teach a course you can jot down some notes on how the course went and what you could to do expand the content, change the delivery, or increase student engagement. Then when you are preparing to teach the course again you can review the notes, fire up your creativity and prepare to make the course even better.
In the meantime you need to have a plan set up for yourself to expand your knowledge and expertise as an educator. In this plan you can list courses you want to take, conferences you would like to attend, and any other inservice effort that would be beneficial, etc.. All of these things will help you to grow in your knowledge of both your field and your abilities as an educator. These efforts will pay off as you get more comfortable in your teaching and student interaction. By doing so you will have more time to devote to earning student respect and establishing rapport with them as well. This professional development effort will be a win win for both you and your students.