This was a great course! I wish I ahd taken this when I first began teaching. I learned quite a bit how to manage the different personality that I encounter with each new class.
Totally agree with Rosalyn. I have been teaching for 5 years and would have loved to have done this before the first day of class. There were a lot of very useful ideas and tools to help the new instructors as well as the seasoned ones.
I just completed 104 and have been teaching for the past seven years. I wish I had taken this course when I first began teaching since I had no guidance initially and learned by doing. There is so much valuable information, not just for the novice but for the seasoned instructor.
I just took Ed 101, Ed102, Ed103 & Ed110. They all very useful, interesting courses & I learn a lot. I going to take Ed 104 sometime next couple months. I using everything I learn from this courses every day in my classroom. All of my students'll benefit from these courses as well.