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Recruitment Practices Need to Change

Admissions offices all across the country need strong leadership - today more than ever!  These leaders need to bring about major change to recruitment practices way beyond what is mandated through compliance.   To move forward, schools have let go of decades old practices used in recruitment and seek a new model that is in touch with the times!

As James Bertrand wrote, "Once we rid ourselves of traditional thinking, we can get on with creating the future." But change is NEVER easy.  Any ideas on how to make this happen?  


It is all about good ethics and honesty in recruitment of potential students. Let candidates know what their career options will be when they graduate and how important hard work persistence and research into what future paths they can take otherwise potential students are not getting the whole picture of their educational investment.

 I agreed that good ethics as being the key in recruitment of potential students. What I always mention at the school is to have a good eye contact with the applicant. Have the information on hand to present to students and explain today’s market honestly.

One of the speeches that I use with my prospective students is that fact that they are making a important decision on their lives, and the importance of continuation, Don’t Stop! keep on going. Nobody can set limitations other than us!

I think that it all works when you have the belief that you are here to change the lives of the students you enroll; not just hit a goal set for you.

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