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Which type of student is most likely to succeed?

Is there a type of student who is better able to perform. Is that factor intelligence or is it somethig else. I contend that it is the desire, above all, which will determine success. I see students who do not look the part or are not above average itelligence, yet succeed. The oe thing is seems clear to be is the amount of effort put in.

I agree with you on this one. I too have whitness students who at first dont really have the skills or self confidentce needed to make it in the field in which I teach, but with determination and some encouragement from us instructors they seem to grow and mature into the type person who succeeds in their chosen professionas well a making the possitive change in thier lives!

I believe that in order for a student to be successful, they must first believe in themself.  We as staff members, faculty, etc., can encourage the student untill we are blue in the face,but they have to believe if they continue and keep at it and believe in themselves, they will succeed.  Sometimes the student needs a little push from us to help them believe in themselves and make their career dreams become their realities.  Alot of the time, they dont have the emotional support from their families and or friends. 

i agree.....determination on the part of the individual is what makes for success

I do believe that effort plays a huge part in success academically.  I have also seen some students that are not as gifted academically perform better.  I feel as though motivation on the part of the students in addition to effort plays a role.  If the student is not motivated it willbe difficult for them to continue and succeed.

I believe that traditional intelligence is more a matter of how much effort one has to put into an academic task than an indicator for success.  In my experience a motivated, yet average intelligence student will be as if not more successful than an intelligent student who can memorize factsd and understand concepts easily, because the motivated student will put in the necessary work.  I try to pass this on to my students. 

I agree. I think desire for success exhibited by the student is a contributing factor to their learning process. If we as instructors are able to target the best way they learn then we can definitely help them to succeed. It definitely makes a difference.

In nursing, i find that not all students who make the grade are meant to be in this profession. There are many other obstacles that can hinder a fulfilling career. The one good thing about nursing is that a person has many options on the direction they want to work in. Not all nurse jobs require direct patient contact. But in order to succeed, the interest and determination must be present as this profession takes time, logical and critical thinking.

I feel that any determined student can be successful if they apply themselves.  However if the instructor is not 100% into making the course exciting and does not interact with students to find out where they stand during the learning process of a particular subject, the student becomes insecure, bored or feels that they have not gained any knowledge or enough knowledge to press on in a particular field, thus losing interest and all the determination in the world of the student's part is not sufficient.

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