About me
My name is John McElveney and am an instructor at Carrington College in Reno, NV. I teach psychology and have been doing it for almost 4 years.
About me
My name is John McElveney and am an instructor at Carrington College in Reno, NV. I teach psychology and have been doing it for almost 4 years.
ED111 is a good course to take for all instructors. I have been an instructor for about 5 years and have learned a thing about creating an active learning environment. For my first year I did the traditional lecture format and would constantly hear little sighs and yawns regulalrly. I really wanted to engage the students but was finding it dfficult. One day I decided to allow the students to particiapte a lot more and became willing to hand a lot of the control of the learning to the students. I still lecture but I also allow the students a… >>>
I teach Psychology and I have read that research shows that creativity can be improved when our minds are focused on other things. A lot of important inventions and ideas have come as a resort of the mind being able to relax on the conscious level while other parts of the mind can work to be more creative.
@kanikajackson : I take pride i kowing all the studets names by the ed of the second class. It is not easy but it is getting easier. There is no magic formula, in my opinion. The best way is to have the roster available and match up the name to the face when they are busy doing quizzes or projects in class. I also ask them questions by their names so that seems to build my memory. Hopefully that helped. Knowing names is very important and should be integrated by all teachers. Students are more willing to work hard for… >>>
Students who want to learn for the sake of learing succeed a lot more tha those that try for rewards and other extrisic motivators.
Is there a type of student who is better able to perform. Is that factor intelligence or is it somethig else. I contend that it is the desire, above all, which will determine success. I see students who do not look the part or are not above average itelligence, yet succeed. The oe thing is seems clear to be is the amount of effort put in.
What type of student tends to be the most motivated in your class?
I agree.
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As a new instructor remember that your management sytle can mean the difference between success and frustration. ED113 does a good job of explaining how different instructors attempt to manage their classrooms. One can be a lecturer who gets through all of the material without any class interaction or fun for that matter. Another style that ED113 refers to is the buddy. The buddy has low expectations and is more worried about being everyones friend than the actual material. The ideal is called the guide. The guide has rapport with the students but also stays on task in a relaxed… >>>