ED111 is a good course to take for all instructors. I have been an instructor for about 5 years and have learned a thing about creating an active learning environment. For my first year I did the traditional lecture format and would constantly hear little sighs and yawns regulalrly. I really wanted to engage the students but was finding it dfficult. One day I decided to allow the students to particiapte a lot more and became willing to hand a lot of the control of the learning to the students. I still lecture but I also allow the students a chance to speak and be a part of the learning process. Since I have changed my classrooms have been more efficient and the level of succees has risen.
I liked this useful course too. I found some excellent proactive techniques to begin using in the classroom. I have a slight tendency to lean toward controller at times because each class I teach is 1 hour only. Mostly I find myself being a Guide but I can be even better instructor now. I feel I am never too old or set in my ways to learn or try something new.