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Always Something to Learn

I have been teaching at the career college for about eight years. I see the importance of becoming an instructional delivery expert as well as the subject matter expert I am. While many people know their field they may not have the training to deliver it in a manner that others can understand. That is why I have found this course to be helpful and useful in my teaching career.

I totally agree.  You can be an expert on your subject matter; however, what it comes down to is how well you deliver the information.  Do your students understand what you are trying to get across to them?

However, what happens when you have a book that students have to follow in order to learn what they need to in order to pass the class and move to the next level.  They have to learn and memorize certain things in order to progress.  There is no variance.  How do you go about teaching the students who just cannot learn or memorize what they need to or they fall behind the rest of the class?


I agree completely!  I am a subject matter expert in my field and am now just beggining to educate on the subject in which I am so passionate about!  These classes are helping me to understand how I want to present the material that has become so easy for me to carry out in the workplace!

The transition into adult learning is fun but challenging.  I am learning a lot!

I agree...I just took the course on soft skills Ed115 and I learned a lot about what kind od patients it takes to be in the classroom and what soft skills I can improve upon. Yes adult education is very challenging but definitely not boring.

I agree that it does take a lot of patience.  I wish I had taken the ED115 course before Feb 2013.  I thought my soft skills were fine.  I thought because I wasn't "blowing" up or screaming out loud that I was ok, LOL.

I was diagnosed with a stress related condition called "costochondritis".  I thought I was managing my stress, but I was internalizing everything which is clearly not a substitute as decompressing!  Now my body lets me know when I'm not managing because I have a weird pounding/aching in my heart area and continues upward to my throat.  MESSAGE:  stress brings on sickness and disease.

This is my first expericne teaching adults and I find them to be very similar to elemtary school children.  They want to do well.  They want to understand what is expected of them.  They are here to learn.  The one difference I am not encountering yet is the discipline.  I hope I don't have to!


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