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About me
Yes and I have only had experience as on as a online student but it is alot of responsibility for the instructor to assist students froma distance and to make sure they get the most from the experience.
I agree...I just took the course on soft skills Ed115 and I learned a lot about what kind od patients it takes to be in the classroom and what soft skills I can improve upon. Yes adult education is very challenging but definitely not boring.
Oh yes they muct be motivated internally but external factors like family and monetary desires can also be a motivator.
Yes I agree... I have learned some things in here that I definitely have utilized in my classroom expereinces daily..
I actually have enjoyed this portion of the courses the most because retention is a big deal in my world. I learned alot about relating more to each student as an individual.
Yes we definitely need to be flexible and understanding. We have to try different teaching styles to keep them interested.
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I think that walking around the classroom gives the students the idea that you are also prepared and equally engaged in the lesson as they are. If you are reading from a ppt or standing in one place looking and appearing disinterested then I do not think we can expect them to exhibit any interest.