I know as busy faculty and professionals we all have so much in our lives to manage: work, family, education and everything in-between! One best practice I have found that really has worked well for me in trying to achievement my faculty/professional development credits each year is joining webinars. Since we are so busy it can be difficult to break away from your schedule and physically go to a training, workshop or conference. I have found that many of our vendors offer great webinars for the busy professional. They also archive these so they can be easily accessed and reviewed as you are doing other work. I usually try and set up one webinar that I can pause and review while doing some other daunting aspect of my workload. I have found this both enlightening and also relieving as we know many colleges or universities require so many hours per year in each area. Here are a few vendor sites I have been using: Cengage-- http:/
I too enjoy getting my development credits. I find they help to regroup me and make me get inspired again
I am lucky because at work the college brings professional development to us on a quarterly basis. The training staff has a suggestion box for us to bring ideas to the table for consideration for the next PD session.
This training was very helpful