I just completed the ED113 course on classroom Management styles. This course really helped me think about what I do as an instructor to managed my own classes. It also reinforced that things that I am doing right in interacting with my students. I have been teaching for over 20 years, and it can become easy to slip into an apathetic role if you are not careful. If you are a person that is not opened to change, then you will keep doing the same old thing the same old way. This class has taught me that I am at a time in my teaching career that I could slip into this role if I am not careful.
I would like to think that I am more of a guide to my students, which is what I strive to be. However, I think after taking this course that I need to create some fresh ways of approching some of my lessons.
I have just completed the ED113 course. I honestly can say that I learned some techniques that I was unaware of and it will help me identify on how to deal more with adult learners. I am going to try implementing more of the Proactive Techniques.
I really enjoyed the ED113! I had not realized the types of instructors were so vast in defferences. However, I found myself identifying parts of myself in a few of the groups. I now have a better concept of how to approach students and subjects that I was not very comfortable in handling in some situations. Now I have a significantly different attitude about my students. After all my whole hearted purpose for teaching is to ensure that we teach successful, respectful, and skillful students going out into the workforce in our community. Thank YOU!!!!!!!!! :)
I have just completed the course ED113. I have been teaching for over 10 years and have worked on my management style throughout the years. It helped getting a refresher course to give you new insight on how to improve. At times you find yourself going through the motions, but this course reminded me the importance of staying at the top of my game to create a more inviting classroom for my students.