About me
About me
I enjoyed this course, because it gave me some insight to what types of activities I can develop for my classes that includes more cooperative and collaborative learning. I am doing some activtivities now, however, I think I can incorporate more, based on what I learned in the course.
Because my personal education was based on traditional teaching methods, I am having to adjust my way of thinking about how students today process information. The students are bright, and they know how to go through the steps sometimes to get the correct answer or results, however, it has been a challenge… >>>
This particular course gave me a chance to look at things that I am doing right, and also gave me some insight as to how I might improve on some of my soft skills, in order to be more effective in the classroom. We often as instructors erroneously feel our students should grasp concepts as easliy as we do. If we think about our jobs from a people oriented standpoint, then we realize that sometimes it takes others longer to get what we've had several years to absorb and/or perfect. When we look at our students from their point of view instead… >>>
I just completed the ED113 course on classroom Management styles. This course really helped me think about what I do as an instructor to managed my own classes. It also reinforced that things that I am doing right in interacting with my students. I have been teaching for over 20 years, and it can become easy to slip into an apathetic role if you are not careful. If you are a person that is not opened to change, then you will keep doing the same old thing the same old way. This class has taught me that I am at a… >>>
I really enjoyed this course as weel. I think this is one of the better courses, because it taught me how to get students more involved in lecture discussions. This is very important at a career college, when most students are hands-on students, and would rather not listen to a lecture.
I found the FERPA module very interesting as well. I try to be very careful when handling grades with my students, and I have had to tell students that I cannot share their grades wih fellow students, even when they say I have their permission to do so. I do not even communicate a students grades with them via email, because I have no way of knowing if anyone else have access to their email.
I found the information on misrepresentation interesting from a standpoint that many colleges and universities feel they mus put theie institution in the best light possible in order to recruit new students. That being said however, I fell it is a disservice to a potential student to be mislead into thinking that they will definitely gain employment after they graduate from a specific hight institution of learning. I think some institutions walk the line in implying such messages in their advertising. I also think that the recruitment process should uphold the professional integrity of the institution by answering question for protential… >>>
As I stated in my previous, retention is important for all team members involved. If we don't have students, then we won't have a jkob.
This course reminded me of how overwhelm students can become, when they are coping with personal stressors and the stress of school. It made be appreciate the times when I have spoken to a student outside class to try to encourage them to keep going, inspite the adversities they may be encountering. It has especially motivated me to keep encouraging students, and smiling on those days when I don't feel like smiling. A smile and a hello can be a powerful motivator, althougnit may not always be enough when a student's stress level is to the point where they feel the… >>>
This course also made me more conscious of those days when I begin to feel burned out. On those days, I realize my tone of voice may not be very energetic, and this can cause students to drift off and lose interest in the topic of the day. I will try from now on to be energetic even when I am not feeling at my peak, because it can have an effect if students see that your energy level is always low. This can have an effect on student retention, when you can't get excited about what you are teaching.
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I really enjoyed this course, and got a lot out of it. I mainly teach on-ground courses, however, I got some very good ideas as to how I cn incorporate some of the content of this course into my classes.