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ED116 Critical Thinking

I just completed ED116 Critical Thinking. I found it to be an excellent course. It had some great information and ideas that can certainly be used in the classroom. It has been a while since I have taken a course in critical thinking and it reminded me of how to use my critical thinking skills and apply them to problem solving. I was also reminded about how through the use of puzzels I can help my students develope their critical thinking skills. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve or refresh their critical thinking and problem solving skills.


I enjoyed this one as well

Many elements of our Academy hinge upon critical thinking in order to stimulate productive and creative ways to solve real world problems.  ED 116 was a wonderful refresher towards these ends, and allowed me to investigate other avenues to pursue.  This practical course will be very helpful.

This is my first term of TEACHING Critical Thinking, and I admit, I'm struggling with it.  Just trying to build enthusiasm in the 18 students is an uphill job.  This course has been helpful in understanding concepts and how to share them in the classroom. 

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