Robert Gamache

Robert Gamache

Location: tampa, fl

About me

As a trainer and educator of over 25 years, my passion is motivating students to reach their full potential.  I am passionate about lifelong learning and continuing professional development.

My experience is in a variety of fields, including corporate HR training and development, college/university teaching, and working with senior military leaders.

My educational degrees are in English (BA, MA) and in HR (MS in Human Resource Management Development).  I enjoy physical activity, jazz music, rural life and positive family and friends.



jazz, exercise, reading, writing


coaching, writing, mentoring


EL 103 was a good reinforcement of main elements of online course development; quizzes were challanging!

While facilitation is the overall goal, keeping a close eye on individual student progress is also key, as some students may treat your online course as a static CBT, not time-bound and essential to their learning.  Periodic feedback and encouragement will help bridge this concern.

ED 112 reinforced some past performances and encouraged me to go further when motivating students in the classroom.  Well done!

I agree that debriefing is critical to cementing learning.  While it is something that I have minimized in the past, I realize that allowing more time to debrief is essential to rapidly enhance my student's comprehension.

Blog Comment

Ensuring that students understand that learning is an important part of customer service; without it, teachers are not holding up their end of the bargain.

Without realizing it, I have already begun to flip my classroom, recognizing that I can engage students more effectively if they engage in activities during class time, based on homework.  Time goes fast, and student enjoy it and learn!

I find that when I make an attempt to use alternate, media tools in the classroom, my students appreciate my efforts to connect with them in a manner that they are familiar with.  I often create a Facebook site just for my students, and I find that their participation increases, and they meet the assignments' requirements.

Many elements of our Academy hinge upon critical thinking in order to stimulate productive and creative ways to solve real world problems.  ED 116 was a wonderful refresher towards these ends, and allowed me to investigate other avenues to pursue.  This practical course will be very helpful.

I would be interested in hearing about other advances in technology that are helping you stimulate student learning.  Thanks.!

I also have been teaching for a number of years and am always looking for new ways to stimulate student learning.  I picked up several tips and web sites that will help me continue to improve my instruction.

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