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Teaching for Student Success

Constructing a framework for successful skill-based methodology, please share your ideas based on your experience and the success you have had with students. Share actual examples from your own teaching and even upload a video clip of your teaching success.

This was a situation in developmental Math class when students learn the skill of adding and subtracting integers by discovery method.  I gave each student four colored strings: one long and one short red yarn to represent negative values, one long and one short green yarn to represent positive values.  I allowed them to manipulate the yarn through addition and subtraction and let them discover first, the result, and then let them generalize the rules involved in each operation. It took them only a short time to understand the procedures than following the written procedures in the book. Discovery method is truly a "learning by doing" technique in understanding abstracts. It also proved effective to visual learners.      

I love it, Teresita!!  This idea is so applied and helps explain complex concepts as well as complete the actual task.  What was the response of your students?

Most of the students remarked, "Why is it not taught in my high school?" One student who had college background commented that he was not taught like this before in any of his Math classes.  

Awesome responses! Of course, Math is one of those subjects difficult to handle with skill- based, hands-on learners so this is a great example of how to do that. I wonder are there other Math teachers out there with other ideas for teaching Math in a hands-on way? Thanks for starting the thread, Teresita !

I have used more multimedia, and have noted a marked increase of student performance.  For example, I use a wonderful video to show students in my business entrepreneur class the importance keeping up to date on the more procedural and "mundane" issues at, while providing students in my business ethics class with an excellent and all encompassing review of normative philosophical concepts at  Finally, when teaching my business law students about the Sarbannes-Oxley Act, I provide then with access to an internet website dedicated to “SOX” television that can be found at: ( This website requires a free subscription to obtain access to the various video clips explaining the different components of SOX. In addition, this three minute video shows Congressman Oxley talking about the origins of the SOX legislation

Thank you for sharing those great links and your ides, Eric, So in terms of student success, how do you actually set up the use of the multimedia in the class and what do you follow up with?  Just wondering how you contextualize it within the session. 

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