Eric Baime

Eric Baime

Location: i live in beautiful, sunny and warm south florida.

About me

I received my BA in Government from Cornell University, my MBA from University of Miami and most recently and my JD from the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University.  I have served as a pro bono judge in Palm Beach County's Youth Court program for juvenile offenders.  I am a licensed title insurance agent and a former Florida Supreme Court certified mediator.  In addition to enjoying legal research and appellate law, I also greatly enjoy teaching, both on ground and online.  My course specialities are listed below:

Business Law
Contracts Law and the UCC
Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance
Constitutional Law
Real Estate Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Justice
Criminal Procedures
Advanced Real Estate Law                                       
Family Law
Torts Law
Legal Ethics
Critical Thinking                               
American Government
US Legal Systems


I have used more multimedia, and have noted a marked increase of student performance.  For example, I use a wonderful video to show students in my business entrepreneur class the importance keeping up to date on the more procedural and "mundane" issues at, while providing students in my business ethics class with an excellent and all encompassing review of normative philosophical concepts at  Finally, when teaching my business law students about the Sarbannes-Oxley Act, I provide then with access to an internet website dedicated to “SOX” television that can be found at: ( This… >>>

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