Social Learning Occurs by Default or Design
Social interactions contribute to workplace learning whether by default or design. Businesses certainly consider the layout of a work area, the location of departments, or even the type of furniture that will be used to design a workspace keeping in mind how it will impact social interactions among employees and consequently, productivity.
Social Learning: Making it a Part of the Formal Professional Development Plan
Employees often consider how social interactions will play a role in their professional development which is why things such as attending conferences, joining professional associations or participating in workshops are typically components of a formal professional development plan. How many employees, however, identify participation in online social learning communities as part of their formal professional development goals? How many supervisors advocate that their employees participate in online social learning communities? Cutting edge institutions that understand the role social learning plays in employee development don't just advocate for employee participation; they provide a platform and make it part of the organzational culture.
Social Learning: We can Learn More from Everyone than We Can from Just One
No one knows as much as everyone. Being a part of a community allows everyone to learn from everyone. The social web allows us to expand our social connections and our social interactions, consequently, expanding our social learning opportunities exponentially. For example, if an Instructor wanted to get new ideas on how to engage students or how to manage disruptive behavior in the classroom, a single blog, micro-blog, discussion post, or comment could be posted in a free online social learning community such as the Career College Lounge and the entire community could contribute their ideas, suggestions, and best practices. This one-to-many interaction is powerful for learning and should be leveraged by all who are serious about professional development, life-long learning, and education. Both individuals and institutions who do not purposely incorporate online social learning tools as part of their employee development strategy to enhance performance miss a tremendous opportunity.
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