This course was very good reminder of how to motivate students and to help them to retain the concepts they are learning. I think at that the college level, we sometimes forget that our stuents still have old learning disabilities that we need to help them with. This course did a well job of reminding me what those learning disabilities are and how to deal with them.
S. Layman
You can’t help someone if you don’t know what the problem is, so you must ask questions to find out if help is needed. You will find that some students are very clever in hiding a learning disability. If you are monitoring your class you will be able to see and know who may be having difficulties. I feel as an instructor it’s ok to approach these students in a private and professional manner to show that you are concerned and you want to help. In my class I provide visual material, hearing material, and a physical approach to whatever subject we are studying at that time. In doing this I am able to see what is working best for the student. Over all this course was a GREAT tool! I was motivated even more after going through the training. I was able to put myself in the shoes of some of my students. I was told years ago that I had a reading disability and that puzzled me and I learned to hide it, but only to find out that the teach was wrong. I truly can relate to how one would feel knowing that you have a learning disability. Today we have so many resources that we can use to give help to these students that are willing to talk to you in order for you to provide it to them.