I'm in my second year of teaching and all the online courses that I've taken have been very helpful in my approach toward my students, the classroom, and my teaching style. I just completed ED101. I found this course to be very valuable to me. It was like a refresher course, but you never can get enough when it comes to imporving your classroom and teaching style. I would truly recommend this course to all class room instructors.
I just completed this online course also. Let me tell you, I enjoyed it so much. I grasp new ways of brining instructional deliveries to my class as well as how to better prepare myself and my class at the begining of the course by presenting to my students a "pre-test". I never really gave doing this any thought until I tood this course and I had the AHA......moment. it just made better sense. Just one of my classes I teach is Medical Terminology and this will work out perfectly.
You can’t help someone if you don’t know what the problem is, so you must ask questions to find out if help is needed. You will find that some students are very clever in hiding a learning disability. If you are monitoring your class you will be able to see and know who may be having difficulties. I feel as an instructor it’s ok to approach these students in a private and professional manner to show that you are concerned and you want to help. In my class I provide visual material, hearing material, and a physical approach to whatever… >>>
I too just finished the training course. What a great time I had learning how to deal with grumpy students! Had I only taken the course last term, major adjustments would have been taken with a couple of students. I made it through, however this term coming up will be totally different! I recommend this course to every one.
The CM102 course was a great learning tool. Some of the information seemed to be common sense to me, however all instructors need to know the laws pertaining to the student and the institution. There was valuable information pertaining to social media that really opened my eyes when it came to the exchange of information. I was a bit disappointed when taking the final. I was expecting more questions pertaining to my state and some questions pertaining to the FERPA tab.
As instructors we all have to keep in mind that there is always going to be that one student that just doesn't get it or you just can't get through. It's sad, but true. Try not to beat up on yourself mentally about it. As long as you know that you did your best and you made the right attempts to get through. In taking the ED 102 couse I took out of the course the idea about goal setting. What I have learned thus far is that so many of the students that come into our classroom have no… >>>
You are so correct when you stated that todays society is very fast paced. Retention is something that affects everyone involved. In taking the online course RT101 I took from the course a lot of great information to apply to my class. What I have been able to realize is that orientation plays a very large role in how the potential student views the school as a whole. I feel that more effective training could be used for our campus admin. A lot of students are left in the dark on expectations, staff, and so on. With a greater effort… >>>
I would think that preparing them on day two of class will help. Put the information in their mind and what is going to be expected for this project. Weekly, remind the students about the project and ask if they have any questions about it and make it known that you are available.
In taking the course ML133 I was equipped with valuable techniques toward goal setting and the importance of it. I have come up with new ideas on how to incorporate goal setting with my class. It is very informative and I suggest it be a course all instructors take.
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You all are so correct. If you don't know something just be honest and hold your head up and show your human and you don't know everythin.