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Re: The importance of learning styles for educators

Learning styles vary and should be considered when teachinng (e.g., Gardner's learning types). This should be brought into line with the latest learning taxonomies (e.g., Fink).



A sad fact is that only about 20% of learners are auditory but a majority of college professors and P-12 teachers feel that lecturing is an effective technique for teaching.

Robert, I agree there can be many different learning styles out there.  It is best to keep your class diverse until you learn what works for everyone.


Working at a VoTech school we have a majority of 'hands on' learners. It is important to understand that there are still diffrent levels and mixtures of this style as well as some who do not fit the 'norm'. Identifiying these students and working with their learning styles is indeed very important.

I  trully agree. I feel that its really important for students to learn how to study in their own unique way.  learning and understanding  and put together new styles inhance the learners mind to ingauge in new information.

Every Instructor should know or learn their personal learning style. I personally know peple learn differt and chose to treat my class as such. Every student deserves attention and I try my best to give it to them or direct them to someone who can.

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