The beauty and rewards of teaching
I've found teaching to be the center of my life as a whole. Teaching keeps me grounded and focused. Working with students brings much reward, even through the tough times. Life without educational engagement would be difficult, because it is in my blood. The traing in such a course reminds me of the complexities of teaching. Being more aware of students is invaluable as an educator who is committed to student learning.
ED104 covers much of what I have experienced during my years of teaching. The interaction with students keeps me fresh. Technology today is so different than when I was a student! Students in the 21st century have so many distractions outside of school. Being more aware of students and their problems/issues/wants makes me a better educator. Educational engagement is exciting!
I totally agree with Dennis! I teach because I must - looking back I was raised by a minister and a teacher, so saw it first hand, and never thought of not doing it. So glad ED104 reviews many of the principals involved in efficient instruction, and I can always use new pointers and ways to keep students involved. I've found if they're moving around, sometimes laughing, learning is probably taking place! by Kathryn Lemon