Instruction is like Sesame Street. If you explain on the onset of each class what is going to be covered ( objectives), the time frames involved, and how they are going to be graded, you will have a win - win situation. Be consistent but not boring in what you do.
Enlist student group discussion. Elect a project manager. State many opinions are going to come into play and you do not have to agree but respect thats person thought.
Put a motivational quote on the bored each day. They look forward to it.
Be organized, consistent and clear.
Challenge a student who thinks an answer on a test is incorrect. Suggest that they research why they feel you made an error. If they prove it correct, give all students back the points. They love it, and they will approach it in a mature way.
And always leads by example. I always do and have a great deal of respect from my students. I do not get to personal. I know about their families, but not in great detail. I handled adult issues one on one. One person's drama does not have to be an entire classes burden.
I have showed them how their goals are achieved by bring current students back to discuss their externships. Additionally, if a student is hired, pass a certification test, we as a class call them to congradulate them as a group!!!