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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

How to discuss a coworker's writing

What is the best way to approach a situation where you feel that a coworker has poor writing? I read something that was sent out by someone recently that was very wordy and with multiple grammar errors. I was not asked to proof it or anything, but I know that it could have benefited from editing. How do you go about this situation without offending someone?

feedback skills

To me, in the process of giving back, one must be open-minded so he/she can receive the information and use it in a positive way.

coaching skills

To me, one of the most important factor of being an effective coach is honesty. One must give honest feedback to the person being coach so the process can be fruitfull.

recieving feedback

What is balanced feedback and how does it apply here?

Tv interviews

What are some good techniques in preparation for interviewing on TV?

non verbal

How much of conversation is non verbal communication?

utilizing graphs

When is it best to utilize graphs in a presentation?

feedback versus balanced feedback

What is the difference between feedback versus balanced feedback?


Have you ever seen a meeting that has gotten too far off track?


What are some techniques that you use to prepare to present on with an unfamiliar subject?


Have you ever judged a person's qualities based on the way that they write?

Providing Feedback

I believe as an instructor the best thing I can do is provide feedback for my students. I do this in many ways I talk to them about study habits and if they do poorly on an assignment; I ask what they did to study and coach them on better preparation next time. I believe it is also hard to do correctly which is why I enjoyed this information, I can use it to enhance what I have already been doing. My question is does it ever get any easier to deliver feedback?

Faculty Division

What identifiers do you look for to determine if an employee is causing division in the faculty and how do you address it?

Managing Information to Employees

Is giving employees too little information, too late, something I should strive to change as a manager or is this an accepted reality?

Sensitve to feedback

In my experience I have found that it is hard for people to hear criticism about themselves. This is why I believe that feedback is best given through a compliment sandwich. We first give information that a person would be more open to usually about their positive behaviors. Then give the bitter news of where performance can be improved, finishing it off with how this behavior will look in the future when corrected and the future benefits. Then give an appraisal of some of the positive things this person brings to the team. This is like the idea that I heard as a child in the movie Marry Poppins "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. In such a delightful way"


coaching is about making it easier for people to change and improve,

Consider the source

My current challenge is a colleague who never accepts responsibility for any mistakes, blames others and takes credit for things others have achieved. Does anyone have help for me here?


I really enjoyed this module. I have been teaching for a little over 5 years and it is critical to know your audience. I think given any presentation, the presenter must visually paint a picture regarding where he/she will take the audience. It is very important to recap/summarize at the end of the presentation to see if the goals/points were met during the presentation.

Presentation Variety

Use a variety of presentation techniques. For example, in my computer class, I will use screen projection, show students actual hardware, use a white board with charts and other information on it, all in the same class. I use a discussion, involving as many students as possible, all while giving the presentation.

Updating Virutal Team Members

Would you consider it important for team members working on very different aspects of a given project to get periodic updates on progress or changes to areas of the project that are not directly relevant to their responsibilities? On the one hand, it would help a feeling of teamwork to know what is happening and to feel updated, on the other hand, their could be the pitfall of flooding people with irrelevant information, and distracting them from their true responsibilities. Looking forward to your responses.