Gregory Frank

Gregory Frank

About me


In meetings, group energy should be harnessed to solve problems, such as, the major issue of maintaining good student attendance and punctuality, a problem that can be found in many classes at school.

Having worked in supervisory roles in the past (now a teacher), I fully agree with the tutorial, in that supervisors should set a good example, instead of having the attitude, "do as I say, not as I do".  If the supervisor arrives late to work, so will the employees.  If the supervisor takes very long lunch breaks, so will the employees. If the supervisor does the job well, without making excuses, the employees perform well.

If, when responding to criticism, you first follow these rules, and it fails, it is important to not to simply get rid of the rules. In other words, if you clarify the criticism that you receive and you respond in a rational way, and it fails, and the criticizer, perhaps, becomes angry at you, do not respond in kind. Their getting angry at you does not justify your getting angry at them.
Discussion Comment
Use a variety of presentation techniques. For example, in my computer class, I will use screen projection, show students actual hardware, use a white board with charts and other information on it, all in the same class. I use a discussion, involving as many students as possible, all while giving the presentation.

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