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Hours vs progress

When a program is set up based on attendance hours rather than specific points of completion in the curriculum, how does the TWC decide if a student is not progressing fast enough? For example, the student attends well above the required number of attendance hours per week, but does not complete the course curriculum inside of two months (where others have taken two weeks or less) because they don't feel they are comfortable enough with the information to take a certification exam.

Franchise Occupational Expert support

If a franchise has multiple schools teaching the same information, can it share the Occupational Expert Board information across the centers? Or is a separate board required for each area?

Financial stability

Not sure if this fits here but the proof of financial stability was a very hard process to get through. I am curious why since our school will be paid upfront. Its hard to have that kind of funding before hand. Then you would think there would be more checking later to verify you secure tuition so is is available to refund if needed instead of the trust account being used.

Pre enrollment testing

I find it interesting that Texas makes you either collect proof of HS diploma, GED or you have to test thee student. I would have thought they would let the school decide if entrance IQ type testing was desired

Reenrolling a dropped student

If a student is dropped due to attendance, it is possible for that student to reenroll the following semester and receive credit for the course or a similar course for the days they did attend?

Advisory Board Members

Is there a limit to the amount of advisors a school can have on a board and do board members have to be approved by the twc?

Transitions from small to large schools

When a school is first approved and is defined as a small school, a first year anniversary approval will occur and every three years thereafter an approval has to occur. However, what happens when during those three years after the anniversary the school’s gross revenue begins to exceed $100,000 due to growth of the school. Does the school automatically get transitioned the next year to a large school and do annual approvals or not until the 3 years are up?

Temporary Instructors

For school's not required to submit instructor applications, are they still required to submit notification of a temporary instructor? Also, is there a statute of limitations that would define a temporary instructor from an adjunct faculty (e.g. 20% of the course)?

Student refunds

When a school closes and prevents a student from completing their training, they are due a 100% refund from the owner if a teach-out is unavailable. If the owner fails to make the refund the TTA will provide the proportionate funds. Where does the TTA get their available funds?

Student Complaint Resolution

When a student complaint is resolved in house or rather resolved before it goes to the CSC, do all notes and documentation need to be filed for CSC visits?

Instructor shortage

Is there a rule or rules in recruiting instructors other than advertising positions through standard methods such as newspaper and/or internet? Such as participating in job fairs?

Complaint Resolution

Do recommend that schools have an annual or by annual training on handling complaints? Especially those that are are common? What organization has the best training outside of CCST? Or, does CCST have a module that can be used by a school during staff development?

Financial Aid

My understanding is that representatives do not mention financial aid until a prospect asks about it? Can the representative mention it as what the school offers when a prospects sits with them regarding the school, programs, and requirements?

Catalog changes

Are active students required to receive all catalog changes during the progression of their education or do they fall under the original catalog and addendum that they enrolled under?

School Director registration

Why would a School Director not be required to reqgister as a representative if they are going to solicit? I know they should have the qualifications and knowledge, but are there any other check points that are made to approve a representative that are outside of the requirements of a Director? Just curious.


Is it ok for a Director to assign the Assistant Director as the designee over the academic dean? If they feel that person can beeter assist the visitor.

Reentry Coordinator

At some of the CSC schools they are required to have a reentry coordinator. Many of them are also handling enrollment documents for students reentering. Are they required to submit applications as a representative since they will be going over the enrollment agreement that outlines the pricing of their program and any changes in pricing since they first attended?

TWC Exemptions for Private Universities

According to TWC, to qualify for an exemption from the requirement for a TWC Certificate of Approval for schools that offer Bachelor's or higher-level degrees, a school must demonstrate that: •it has been licensed by TWC for at least one year; •it has THECB authorization to grant degrees or a THECB exemption from this requirement; •it is accredited by , and in good standing with, a THECB-recognized accreditor; and •a majority of credits (51% or greater) earned in its educational programs are transferable to educational programs at equivalent or higher academic levels at a public college or university located in the same service area as the offered program. How does a school demonstrate that 51% or more of the credits are transferable? Initially I thought articulation agreements; however, universities don't typically arrange these agreements with other universities. The only method I can think of at this point is to contact students that have left our school and enrolled at another school and hope they'll disclose/document what they received credit for.

Tour of Facility

The Rules require that the Admission Reps invite students to take a tour of the facility. How do online programs comply with this regulation?

Academic Probation

What is the CSC's definition of Academic Probation? Does it include that a student may be on probation with or without access to course material? Is it more to label a student's progress and track potential for termination? If a student is terminated, you mention re-enrolling. Does this include completing an application and enrollment agreement again?