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ed 108 very informative on the way students learn, assimilate through tasks, more hands on less lecturing I have found to be an excellent way for students to recall.

ED 105

I have just finished the course ED 105 and although I have been teaching for a while now , realize how valuable the information is in these courses.Planning and organizing course work for students is important but more than that I have leaned that being flexible and alwsy having a back up or plan B ready is critical. Classes do not always go as planned and sometimes you may finish early and need to fill in time, so it is handy to have bonus projects or work relevant to the course that you can add which I find the students love especially if it is a fun project.

One of the challenges I have found is when I have a group of students who are at different skill levels. The challenge is to make sure that all the students progress at the same time. I now do an assessment test right at the beginning of the course, so I have a clear picture of the level of my students skills. For those students who are lacking basic skills I give them chance to do extra work or practise in their own time, they can either do this at home or come to one of my classes to practise and have guidance from me. I see this works very well and helps keep the course on track without slowing us down to wait for everyone, which can be boring for my more advanced students. The main thing I have found to keep them interested is keep challenging them and help them grow, as long as the items you are covering are relevant the students respond well to the added incentive.


Stress release

Reaching out to someone who is stressed out is a great thing to be a mentor and help them with less stress

Intro to Culinary Instruction

I found this module very helpful some information I already use in class, I think it is very important as a culinary instructor that you tie together the academic side with the kitchen side and bring it all together. I feel it is important to tell students that our industry is not all glitz and glamour. Be 100 % honest 100% of the time and you will be turning the next successful group of chefs.


Assessments can be very challenging, sometimes we may tend to help the student along but in reality we are doing them an injustice by doing so. If we remember why we are teaching, for them to accelerate in the work force we need to hold our assessment to a high standard and make sure we are hitting all of our benchmarks and give the students what they need.  

Learning Names

How do you go about learning your students' names?

Development of Your Online Course

Do you develop your own online course or is it already developed (assignments, tests, etc.) when you are assigned to teach it?

If you teach an on-ground course and the same course online, do they contain the same content?

Are you allowed to make changes in the online course that you teach?

How many times a year do you teach the same online course?

Just finished ED116

Enjoyed all of the information I received in this course. Very usefull for myself and students.


I just completed the disabilities module to better enhance my teaching skill with those who might learn differently. It was a really good refresher on some of the nuances that help and I have previously had students with physical abilities that prevented them from doing some of the physical work, but we were able to find a work around. I think it has everything to do with flexibility. Any thoughts from others who have experienced something like this?


I got a lot of excelllent info. from the course on soft skills and hard skills.

Ed 203

I have just completed the above course.  I found it to be informative, however, the practise quiz and the final test did not seem to coordiate to me.  Any others have a feedback on this course and assessment?

ED 106

I learned how to keep students involved in the classroom. I also learned some methods where I can help myself.

What are some other good modules

Hey everyone,

I'm planning on taking a few more training modules, which would you recommend?



How to treat everyone respectfully

This course has helped me understand the legalities and that we must not change the contect of the learning course. People with disabilities just need some accomodations to further assist them.

Thank you,


open ended questioning

I never realived that there were so many ways to ask a question. I am kinda new at all this, but I want everyone to know that it is important to question the students properly to be able to observe to learning going on in your class. I had gotten caught up in the closed questioning, not realizing that I was not really knowing if the students were learning what they needed from me.


I believe it is extremely important to try and motivate the students.

I try and motivate the students as soon as they walk into the classroom by

asking them about the material and giving them positive feedback.

Anyone else have any suggestions as to what they do to motivate students.

wonderful day

hope everyone has a wonderful day

How to rech out to students who are not responsive?

It is critical to get all of the contact information from students upfront.  Their email, phone numbers and even addresses can come in handy in reaching out to them, if at some point they become inactive. 


As a leader and Instructor of your class the most important factor is that you must keep adult learners engaged, they will most likely drop from school if they do not feel it's worth their time.


This was a great course in identifing and handeling stress. It will help me greatly in the future for sure and I would recommend that everyone take this course. Stress is a major disrupter for productive teaching and can affect the students and everyone else around you. By learning to eliminate, reduce and manage stress, everything in one's life becomes much more managable.