About me
Hi, I have been a online instructor for over 10 years. I am still learning. I see a future with only online or blended courses.
About me
Hi, I have been a online instructor for over 10 years. I am still learning. I see a future with only online or blended courses.
Thanks for your response. I agree with you completely. It is such a lack of respect and appreciation. Just play the game.
It is critical to get all of the contact information from students upfront. Their email, phone numbers and even addresses can come in handy in reaching out to them, if at some point they become inactive.
Due to our economy, many online teaching jobs are part-time. In addition to teaching the class for minimal wages and no benefits, there are numerous, superfluous tasks, dealing with accreditation among other things. How does one deal with this situation. The salary does not justify the volume of time spent on non-teaching tasks.
I find that many of the online courses have disparity when it comes to students learning style and skills to master the course competencies. Sometimes teaching toward the middle leaves students on one side lost, whie those on the other side are bored. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
I have trouble reaching some students, who sen to disappear from the course. Does anyone have any tips?
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@tesstribo :Hi Teresita,
Yes intrinic rewards are a main reason to stay the course. Everything is not meassured in time and money. But sometimes it feels as if a professor commands the students' respect, but not that of the administrators in the entity that one is working for. It would be nice to get some respect.