Penelope Kerr

Penelope Kerr

About me


It is very important to keep up with the newest and coolest technolgy because digital natives speak that language and anything else is foreign to them. I can't wait for Facebook to come out with their take on virtual realtiy. Now that will be really cool!


Best Regards,

Penelope A. Kerr

Why don't students attend live chats and why do so few of them watch the recorded chats. I cover all topics for the learning module and give a plethera of websites so they may use them for continued learning.


Best Regards,

Penelope A. Kerr

Why don't students attend live chats and why do so few of them watch the recorded chats. I cover all topics for the learning module and give a plethera of websites so they may use them for continued learning.


Best Regards,

Penelope A. Kerr

Blog Comment

I have also learned what not to do in creating test questions that are confusing such as using double negatives. I wish someone could rewrite the test questions in EL107. Very disappointing that an educator would have written a final exam with such confusing wording.

I agree with the last speaker in that we need to customize the learning experience to meet the needs of the diverse set of learners we have today. Students are very comfortable with student centered learning and discovery learning.


Best Regards,

Penelope A. Kerr

My students tend to appear excited and interested in my lectures when I get excited, move around the classroom, and ask them to research on the internet something pertaining to fashion. Most everyone loves clothing because it allows each person to be expressive.

Students need guidance when they are young or old. School can be scarry, rewarding, overwhelming, and exciting all in a given day. How we address our hurdles in life help mold our character.

Why, thank you. I come from a long line of entrepenuers and failure is not an option. My most recent moto is "The race is not for the swift it is for those who endure." Oh and "Whatever you believe you will achieve." If I had given up on that fabric buying trip 20 years ago my family would not have financed my business. If I did not have the drive to succeed for one buying trip then that would be proof that I did not have what it takes to be sucessful in business. I was not about to… >>>

I always make it a point to tell my students a true story that happened to me many years ago when I had my own business. This is it in a nutshell. I went to New York on a buying trip and on entering one of the buildings where the fabric showrooms were housed the doorman stopped me as I was entiereing the elevator. He asked me if I had an appointment to see the company which I did not. I left the building in a quandry then looked down at my sneakers, jeans and muscle t-shirt and only then… >>>

When you have a plan it is like a cooking recipe in that you follow it exactly, judge the outcome, quality, and time it took to prepare. From that analysis the instructor can better gauge the pace at which information is delivered and the sequence. All things considered it should help to improve teaching methodology.

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