Technical standards shoulkd reflect on what a sdutent must do not how it is done. Never ask personal questions about a students disibility
Accomondations only provide oppertunity to show what he/she knows
There are many situations in the classroom that come about because of students with either physical or mental disibilitties and we need to idintify what the correct way is to adress any issues that may arrise.
Whenever adressing a student with disibilitie we must be carful not to affend them. Also in addition to phycical disibilites there are also mental disibillites.
This section made me aware that there are many types of didibillies. Not just physical disabilities.
Keep current with any updates or revisions to ADA requierments
Acomadations for people with disibillitys is always evolving. It is our responsabillity to keep current with new develepments.
Momentary disabillitys are not considered disabillitys. Eagel acsess must be available to stuents with disibillitys
Any instatution with students getting federal grants must comly with the ADA reqierments
Reasonable acomidations and unreasonable acomadations are clealy identifiyed
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