Woody Kahley

Woody Kahley

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More is not always the best delivery.  Chunking may work better.  Limit audio/video to + - 5-10 minutes.

With the challenges of today, I am a firm believer that problem solving, hands-on, and manual dexterity could be boone for those entering the job market.

I learned that some students may display behavior that requires help beyond me.  In this case, I will need to refer back to this information.

Asychronous and synchronis discussions and management of those discussions will take consideration.

It would appear that the subject of biographies should allow or get the students to approach their fellow student with respect and understanding.  It is understandable that this could or would allow students to be more comfortable, thus entering a learning environment.

I will need to familiarize myself to this system.  And, I didn't know that you may need to drop particular participants from the chat sessions when they ignore warnings and consistently deviate from the topic.


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