Stephen Nagle

Stephen NagleCHEP

About me


As a former stagnated employee don't forget health.  I had an undiagnosed thyroid condition for about 15 years

and as it slowly crashed completely the description of the above employee sounds just like me.  I thought I was

just getting old and that everyone felt that way as they got older.  After it was diagnosed my whole world and

employment status changed.  I actually ended up in the emergency room and spent a week in the hospital.

If possible recommend they get a physical which should include a "full metabolic panel".  I also had low sodium if

you can believe that which… >>>

I agree with what Dawn Del Vechio said so long ago, learners at tech schools with adult learners with full time

jobs for some it is an accomplishmet to arrive, between work family and school occaisionally school comes in

second.  By being supportive and trying to help adult learners maintain a positive attitude and reminding

them of why they are in school, the occaisional poor grade may be a fact of life but continue forward progress

towards a better life in a new or improved career is all that should really matter to a good student and sometimes

they may… >>>

When able to allow group projects, encouraging innovation and free thinking is a good way to get things started, finding multiple points of view to work with, even ideas that are "outside the box" are helpful, varying points of view help every one get a better look at the problem and possible solutions.
Discussion Comment

When starting to teach a new module at the school I teach at I almost always approach other teachers in that class about projects and grading, however once I covered a new class on the first day of lab, assuming it would be simple considering my experience and the fact that it was an advanced class with a veteran instructor. What a mistake. Total disaster. First the training aids were at a certain level of disrepair that advanced students should be able to work on, unfortunately on the first day of lab they need significant guidance and I was severly… >>>

Encouraging students to be on time without alienating them is a chore unto itself but when they realize that you, care it usually works out for the best. One thing I point out to the students is that in AZ 90% attendance is required and the 10 hr. attendance failure exceeds this by 2.5 hrs such that a student who maxes their attendance regularly will actually attendace fail the SCHOOL at about 75% of their program and have to repeat a course they have already passed just so they will not attendance fail prematurely out of another class, and again… >>>

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