About me
About me
When dealing with flat rate graded modules, my students place a great deal of stress on themselves when confronted with a flat rate time on which they will be graded. All to often my student will hurry to complete the project in the amount of time dictated only to find themselves skipping over important details of the project which they now have to go back and correct which in turn greatly affects their flat rate time, but as I explain to them that this is probably the first time they have performed this project and that repetition will improve efficiency.… >>>
I give or Quiz Final as our PreTest at the beginning of each rotation. This allows the student to see what information will be covered by the lecture and to also show the student how much they don't know or do know. After grading the PreTest and seeing the expression on the students face by the score they have received, I reinforce to them that the information to be covered, the projects to be performed can greatly impact the Quiz Final score. I also emphasize to the students that the Quiz Final is also just a tool to evaluate and… >>>
I returned to the Educational Facility from which I graduated to become an Instructor after being out in the field. I tell my students on the first day that I have walked in their shoes down these very same hallway's, learned the same information that they are about to learn, performed the same projects that they themselves are about to perform and dealt with the same environmental issues. I even still have my school I.D. badge that I keep behind my regular I.D. badge just to show them where I came from. I believe that this gives me some credibility… >>>
In the elective that I instruct, we do our best to replicate a service enviroment, time is given for the student to learn and perform the project at hand, if I see a student who is just "standing around" I will inquire as to what he is doing to enhance his education and learning. If time permits, I will engage the student to pursue another project and push the sudent to be successful in this project, like replicating the customer that comes in to the shop at the last minute to have a tire changed or similiar. I give the… >>>
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