Maria Wilson

Maria Wilson

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This presentation is greatly appreciated. I have learned other means of handling disruptive behaviors, especially with the adult learners. It is quite challenging to educate adult learners due to their set ways, but as instructors, we need to guide them to be better if they chose to become better. The different approaches that were identified in handling the disruptive individual/s, will assist the student/person to appreciate thier instructor/s for caring and attempting to determine the cause of their action/s. Afterall, we chose this professional to assist the students in fulfilling their goals and be successful. Indeed, we cannot ignore the… >>>

The 4 Management styles that are discussed in this module demonstrated how we as professors plan our day, which doesn't always turned out the way we want. However, I have to say that I encountered all 4 styles as a  student as well as working with some former colleagues. This presentation reinforced to me the importance of planning ahead, involving your audience/students by creating a environment of trust and sensitivity, so that they can be more productive during classroom activities/discussions. Yes, we do need to practice what we preach, but also give them the support they need without being overbearing.… >>>

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