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Are retention and education enemies? The simple answer is no. Retention is a product of quality education. I have a recurring nightmare in where a teacher grants grades based upon effort rather than production. To make matters entirely more scary, the towns people are storming room teaching across the hall because the monster teaching that class allowed some of his students to fail. Just for sake of being lonely, I hope there are others out there who share in my horror. To be fair, I have never heard anyone on this site state that we need to lower standards to… >>>
Perhaps I may be a little on the hardcore conservative side of education, but it seems to me that a large part of this is sales and has very little to do with academics. I understand that we cannot educate an absent student; however, are we not necessarily acting in the best interest of students' or the institution by having blind faith in retention as greater good. I agree with this module in it's connotation (as it does not come out and say it) that retention is best served by providing a quality, valuable, and rigorous education. While we should… >>>
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