Anton Blum Jr.

Anton Blum Jr.

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Where would you go to find out the copyright and infringement laws and how to contact such people to aquire the use of such information?
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Is on line learning something that the student must want to do in order to be successfull?
I find that giving cover sheet handouts to the students cut down dramatically on having to explain lab assignments over and over. It also is a great place to put any critical information pertaining to the labs that may not already be in their books. I've also heard students help other students by reminding them to use their cover sheets when unsure of some information needed to start or complete a lab assignment.

One way to help reduce the cheating aspect is, we have multiple versions of the same test. I distribute a different version to every other student, and I do for warn them of this. You will get your occassional student that will test the waters so to speak by looking around to see if there are multiple versions, but I have found this cuts down on any attempts to do so greatly. For fear of copying and being wrong. Also if they brought notes or such for cheating they are not certain if they are the right notes or not… >>>

I have found that using a syllabus helps to keep the students aware of upcoming course activities. By reviewing it at the beginning of the course gives them a chance to have something to use to allow to them ask questions pertaining to the specific training and time line involved in the course;ie: What are tests based on, how are we graded, etc... I have also noticed that sometimes a syllabus can hinder some students education though. Due to a timely pre planned layout they sometimes feel that their not going to miss much if they miss a certain day… >>>

I think the student's come to class and expect class control, so as not to disrupt their education. I believe they expect to have the topic of a lecture well laid out and rehearsed prior to class delivery and that the instructor have first hand knowledge of the subject matter. I believe they feel they should receive what they paid for, I also believe that they should know what they are supposed to receive for information, and not assume such. In the end there should be a proper explanation of what each subject matter will include at the start of… >>>

I think the student's come to class and expect class control, so as not to disrupt their education. I believe they expect to have the topic of a lecture well laid out and rehearsed prior to class delivery and that the instructor have first hand knowledge of the subject matter. I believe they feel they should receive what they paid for, I also believe that they should know what they are supposed to receive for information, and not assume such. In the end there should be a proper explanation of what each subject matter will include at the start of… >>>

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Not one that I'm aware of, other than CEE training forums. With the Education Manager, but if the situation has to go to Student Services, usually we are not informed of actions taken unless Student services feels we need to be involved.
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The company as a whole needs to work together as a team when a student or students are identified as having issues, be them personal or academic. If an instructor identifies such a student, there needs to be follow up and follow through with that particullar student and those practices should be shared with other employees. Alot of what we learn from those experiences can be applied to best practices and used for other students as well, unless otherwise deemed an individual problem.

I try to cover all of these methods. I will read the Power points to my students as well as make additional notes and drawings of visual aides on the white board as I lecture, I will also pass around visual aides as I talk about them during a lecture. Then usually we as a class will head to the lab where I can do instructor led demo's on the information I have covered to give the students a chance to see what we discussed in the classroom live. It also find this to be the best time for students… >>>

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