Ashley Boyd

Ashley Boyd

Location: nova scotia, canada

About me

I am the HIM Support Specialist at my college, and have been with this college for over 10 years. 


law, history, government, monarchy


microsoft office specialist: excel 2010 and microsoft office specialist: excel 2013, along with the ability to use and instruct all microsoft office programs; social media; presentations; guest lecturer


I need to take time away from my desk for lunch, and I actually need to eat lunch.


I thought of that as being the case for my chats as well, only I never thought to respond the way you have! I really like that side of things. I will have to re-think my ideas for a live caht again.


Thank you Nathan!

I have that same question. All of my courses are instructed online (so I have no face-to-face contact with any of my students). When I first started in this position, I had a weekly scheduled "class" which took the form of a live chat room. I informed all students, and reminder emails were automatically sent out about the time of this "class". Since the majority of my students work, I didn't place this as being mandatory, but after having about 10 of these sessions to which no one ever checked it out, I stopped having these. I was unable to… >>>

I am an exclusive online instructor. I welcome each of my students into the program via telephone once I receive notification of a new student, and follow up with them weekly (either through telephone or email) to ensure they don't feel alone in the program.

I do notice that a few of my students won't contact me if they have questions. I explain to them from the get-go that since we are entirely online, I am unable to look across a classroom for visual cues that a student may be struggling with a concept (or just needs the concept explained… >>>

I am an exclusive online instructor. I welcome each of my students into the program via telephone once I receive notification of a new student, and follow up with them weekly (either through telephone or email) to ensure they don't feel alone in the program.

I do notice that a few of my students won't contact me if they have questions. I explain to them from the get-go that since we are entirely online, I am unable to look across a classroom for visual cues that a student may be struggling with a concept (or just needs the concept explained… >>>

I think that it depends on the survey. Regardless of what I have taken, whether it is a face-to-face seminar or education, or a webinar, I will give honest feedback if the survey seems to reflect what took place. 

For example, if I took a webinar, and the questions on the survey pointed out specific aspects of the webinart and how they related to me or what I thought of them, I will give them an honest answer. I view all surveys as a way of getting my thoughts across in an effort to help the creators gear the material… >>>

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