Allison Castillo

Allison Castillo

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Student trust is the most important thing. If the student cannot trust that the school will follow through, then they will not be motivated to stay.

Stress can show for students in different ways and sometimes this links to their choice to stay in school or not. If students' needs are not being met, this can also lead to attrition.

I have learned that retention is the responsibility of the whole campus. There are many reasons a student may choose to leave and many ways that this affects the university as well. 

The importance of consent especially for those in at-risk populations should be emphasized. Especially for young students heading off to college where issues occur the most according to statistics.

Even if an incident such as cyberstalking or harassment occurs off campus, if that incident affects the student's welfare or on-campus presence then it must also be investigated under title IX.

The role of the Title IX coordinator is to help whenever possible including situations where the victim did not report the incident. If enough evidence is given, then it is the responsibility of the coordinator to make sure that it is investigated.

Title IX training is necessary to provide a safe space for everyone. Reporting needs to be done in order to keep all stakeholders safe in an institution. Title IX does not discriminate based on any identifiable differences and is an expectation for everyone.

Even with the introduction of E-signatures, students who attend school on an online platform are still given the same privacy protections as students who attend regular school. This is to be expected as all private information should be kept private.

It's important that the expectations for student privacy and policies of protection of privacy are clear from the very beginning of employment to avoid any incidences where private information is left unattended.

FERPA rules are put into place for the students' protection. I was not aware of posting grades for a full class being considered breaking FERPA rules but I had a feeling this shouldn't be practiced when it occurred during my younger schoolyears. 

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