About me
About me
I have learned that organization and interaction are crucial for an effective instructional experience.
I have learned a lot of concepts about critical thinking. I will design activities that stimulates my students so they can perform better and acquire critical thinking skills.
It was very interesting to reflect on learning styles and provide a variety of styles as part of the instructions, so more learners could succeed in their goals. I plan to apply more holistic assessments in my classes.
We have to avoid making assumptions about ESL and ELL learners because of their skills in the English language. Recognizing their cultural differences and facilitating their learning should be the priority of the instructor.
I learned how to effectively integrate students from all cultural backgrounds and with diverse races. Even though some of those classifications are societal constructs, we should acknowledge the particularities of each learner and design our instruction accordingly.
In order to guarantee success for all students, their individual characteristics should be considered. Our classrooms have a diverse population and addressing the topic of diversity is fundamental to achieve effective instruction.
This module taught me about the correct way to deliver content online, how it is bery important to be organized as well as to adapt the materiasl from F2F to the virtual environment.
i learned about the roles of the facilitator such as: instructor, social manager to engage students socially and integrate the class, profram adminstrator to fulfill the administerial duties, techical coordinator to know about the LMS and how to properly use it and assist students with its use.
I learned the differences between synchronous and asynchronous class. Each method has its advantages, for example the synchronous provides a more personal approach between instructor and students. Meanwhile, asynchronous encourage students individual responsibilties.
This module was extremely interesting and appropiatte for my current role as an instructor. For example, I learned about the digital tools and the most proper for each scenario. Also, i learned about the different teaching styles such as: the demonstrator and the expert.
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