About me
About me
@rwogrodnik I have found some do request to be put on the DNC but they do change their mind. Unfortunately depending on the demographics of your students things can change dramatically.
I find most people want 100% of college credits transferred from one college to another. Some individuals can be difficult when going through this process. My registrar does an excellent job doing a one on one explaining what transfers in and why.
I find most people want 100% of college credits transferred from one college to another. Some individuals can be difficult when going through this process. My registrar does an excellent job doing a one on one explaining what transfers in and why.
I ask towards the end of the interview but during the interview I start planting the seeds to see if they know of any one that could also benefit from going back to school.
I have seen new reps from different marketing backgrounds try to create their own marketing information. I am so glad that through this type training they can see its not compliant action unless approved by HQ AND upper Management.
I put the school website for the catalogue on my business card to direct the student to the catalogue when they get home. I also, pull it up during my interview.
What is your way of using the catalogue?
I put the school website for the catalogue on my business card to direct the student to the catalogue when they get home. I also, pull it up during my interview.
What is your way of using the catalogue?
I give Career Services for direction in this area.
This is a huge part of the commitment process. When the interview is conducted properly and questions are asked the student should have the enrollment agreement explained and there should be a comfort with the completion of the process.
I find using tools like this helps me to stay on track, remain confident with the process, and demonstrate to the prospect student I am qualified to assist them witht he process.
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