Andrea Jacobs

Andrea Jacobs

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I enjoyed learning about the Dear Colleague letter. That is something I have never heard of before. I also enjoyed learning about the separation of duties. Not only is it important for compliance purposes, but from an ethical standpoint as well. In admissions we work closely with financial aid, and while we may know quite a bit that has to do with the financial aid process, we should keep that to ourselves & instead build confidence in the student that they can trust their financial aid advisor to give them complete & accurate information. 

The topics covered in this section were very informative. I found the section about military benefits especially helpful in being able to understand more about the history & compliance aspect. I also enjoyed learning about the compliance policies for my specific state, Michigan.

As admissions advisors, we hold a lot of responsibility when it comes to compliance and acting in the best interest of our prospective students. Having worked in admissions before, I am familiar with complaince, misrepresentation, and the DNC. Today I learned something new though about CAN-SPAM. In admissions we are able to use many different methods of communication including text and email, but it is important to make sure students consent to these messages and to also make sure they are different enough to not be considered as Spam or mass marketing. 

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