Anton Floyd

Anton Floyd

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Discussion Comment

As the supervisor of a new program, I feel that both ED101 & this course ED104 will be great tools for my new instructors to utilize in their training of how to go from experienced automotive technicians to automotive instructors!  I certainly see the value in this course and am curious to take more MaxKnowledge courses, as I really enjoyed both ED101 and ED104.  In addition, these courses will make great talking points with my new instructors to make sure they are comfortable and prepared for the classroom.  What an excellent training tool!  I certainly wish my first teaching experience… >>>

Discussion Comment

As a supervisor of a new program, I really feel that ED 101 will be an extremely useful tool for training my new instructors - not only as an online self-paced course, but also to review & reflect on in meetings with the new instructors, many of whom have never taught before.  I am excited that my college chose to use this very informative online course!

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